M - vrh - Daisy x Redford

M - vrh prišiel na svet 14.Júla 2024.
11šteniatok, 9 chlapcov - 2 dievčatka - všetky šteniatka s ridge , 1 chlapček -jemne zalomený chvostík (zálomok nie je viditeľný okom), 1 chlapček multikorunky, aktuány stav bez DS.

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Just Like a Dream of Luanda   x    Robert Redford II of Malabo APD
viac fotografií

0 IMG 6071 2

Just Like a Dream of Luanda
Sir: Kangelani´s Sadiki by Red
Dam: Hennessey Sunrise by Luanda

Date of Birth: *13.01.2021
Height: 64 cm
HD:0/0, ED:0/0, OCD:0/0, L7, LTV -free
spondylosis: clear

EOAD: clear
JME: N/N - no carrier
DM tested: N/N-no carrier, 

Blue gene /D-locus: D/D -no carrier
Liver gene /B-locus: B/b

Robert Redford II of Malabo APD
Sir: Hanibal of Malabo APD
Dam: Ina Balin of Malabo APD

Date of Birth: 16.11.2020
Height: 68 cm
HD:0/0, ED:0/0 by OFA
EOAD: clear

JME: N/N - no carrier
DM tested: N/N-no carrier, 
Blue gene /D-locus: D/D -no carrier
Liver gene /B-locus: B/B no carrier


Daisy Redford M litter2024 w

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