16-17.09.2023 - Specialty & Club show RR Club E.L.S.A. - Bad Wildungen
Entry: 100RR - 16.09.2023 - judged males + BOB / 97 RR - 17.09.2023 judged females
16.09.2023 - BOB - Glen Rhodes Bololo's Lozi
17.09.2023 - BOB - Chiboa Philani of Kimazulu
I had big pleassure to meet so many friendly and nice people and had a wonderful help & support in the show ring from organization team Isa Schmidt Aleeke Jack Kerstin Fö Melanie Bayer and also others who worked "behind the scene". Together with judge collegue Iveta Klápová (CZ) we have judged 100ridgebacks. On first day I judged males. My winner male was: Golden Eye Auksinis Feniksas. Later I judged BOB and BOS. My Best of Breed: Glen Rhodes Bololo’s Lozi & Best of Opposite Sex: Golden Eye Auksinis Feniksas. On Sunday I judged females and had to choose the Best Female: Texan Abilene MoiaGioia
THANKs to all friendly handlers/owners/ new and old friends for amazing friendly atmosphere and pleasing time, also for very nice Gala dinner/evening and BIG THANKs to organization committee to organized such a wonderful event 

For results from the shows open PDF dcoments - 16.09.2023-PDF 17.09.2023 - PDF

For results from the shows open PDF dcoments - 16.09.2023-PDF 17.09.2023 - PDF